The 2015 UCAS Season is upon us...
4th March 2015
Great to see so many happy, smiley (well mostly) people at the first of the 2015 UCAS Conventions
Check out the gallery and you will see new competitions, different approaches to stand build, a move away from branded uniforms... but unfortunately, far too many people hiding behind tables....
New for 2015 are the UCAS data scanners – unfortunately due a technical issue, UCAS were unable to scan everyone into the event, but those institutions who had purchased a scanner were able to scan the students as they came around (if they could find the piece of paper). I spoke to one university who were having great success at capturing data using the scanner, but then another near the far end of the room were not having much success, students seemed to have lost their papers by then! An area to watch as the convention season progresses.
Quite a few institutions made use of the shell schemes as their back-drop this year, attaching panels to the boards creating a great advertising hoarding…. BUT…. Without possibly enough thought on where to put all the boxes of prospectuses they would need, let alone their coats and bags – logistics need to take into account the whole experience for the team attending – not just the creative look.
TABLES…. Aaarghhh my pet hate, were still far too much in abundance – now don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind a table, but in its rightful place, at the very back or side of the stand, and used as a display stand and a hideaway for prospectus boxes…. NOT at the front of the stand with people stood, or even worse, SAT behind it.
You can’t exhibit and hide behind… create a stage and act on it.
Great to see so many happy, smiley (well mostly) people at the first of the 2015 UCAS Conventions
Check out the gallery and you will see new competitions, different approaches to stand build, a move away from branded uniforms... but unfortunately, far too many people hiding behind tables....
New for 2015 are the UCAS data scanners – unfortunately due a technical issue, UCAS were unable to scan everyone into the event, but those institutions who had purchased a scanner were able to scan the students as they came around (if they could find the piece of paper). I spoke to one university who were having great success at capturing data using the scanner, but then another near the far end of the room were not having much success, students seemed to have lost their papers by then! An area to watch as the convention season progresses.
Quite a few institutions made use of the shell schemes as their back-drop this year, attaching panels to the boards creating a great advertising hoarding…. BUT…. Without possibly enough thought on where to put all the boxes of prospectuses they would need, let alone their coats and bags – logistics need to take into account the whole experience for the team attending – not just the creative look.
TABLES…. Aaarghhh my pet hate, were still far too much in abundance – now don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind a table, but in its rightful place, at the very back or side of the stand, and used as a display stand and a hideaway for prospectus boxes…. NOT at the front of the stand with people stood, or even worse, SAT behind it.
You can’t exhibit and hide behind… create a stage and act on it.